Many of us are having to adjust our businesses, our budgets, our schedules -- and for many of us, that might include huge changes to vacations, destination weddings, honeymoons, reunions, and other getaways we have been looking forward to for months!
I want to say: I am sincerely sorry for the upheavals. I am feeling them, too. I also want to say: there is hope, and so much great to look forward to. There will be a time when this will all be resolved and the fear will lift. While we are doing our part to keep ourselves and our community healthy -- practicing social distancing, being conscientious about washing our hands, staying home, not touching our faces-- we can also experience the excitement and joy of making future plans. Four quick things to know about travel in the coming months:
Right now, it is a season of stillness, of staying close, of appreciating all that we have right in our own homes. It is in our best interests to accept this temporary shift. We have a unique opportunity to be of service to one another in ways we maybe haven't imagined before. And just imagine how incredible it will feel, when the time is right, to stretch our wings and set off across oceans and mountains and miles, and make the whole wide world our home again. I wish you all my best for health, healing, happiness and hope for you and your loved ones in the coming weeks and months. If you have any questions about your travel plans, please don't hesitate to reach out. Stay strong and find your peace. CHEERS! Debbie
This week we are talking about the Coronavirus, also now known as COVID-19. We have loaded this blog post with links to all the resources you are looking for. IN ONE PLACE! Have you noticed? It is all over the news! People getting sick, elderly dying, weakend and suppressed immune systems at risk. Flashing headlines that grab your attention and perhaps strike fear in even the strongest of people who run from drama. Is this for real? What does this mean for me? What about our trip? Do I cancel? With all of the fear being perpetuated by the media, it is getting harder and harder, and more confusing even to get accurate information. In any event, or epidemic, the most important thing we can do is research and be well informed by the source. Thanks to our wonderful media online and on all the broadcast Airwaves, we are quick to presume that “what you see is what you get” and resort to trusting whatever source it is that we are reading or listening to at the moment. It is our recommendation at Palmer Preferred Travel, that you start at the very beginning. Pay little or no attention to the fear-filled, clickbait posts in social media and those dramatic newsreels, designed to pull you in to a specific Broadcast Network so they can keep their ratings up! As in any situation, you must do what is best for you. Absolutely, follow the recommended regimen for keeping germs at bay. Wash your hands and sing the alphabet, or whatever song strikes your fancy, and is of the appropriate time length (20-30 seconds). Keep sanitizing wipes or gel with you, and ALWAYS COVER YOUR COUGH! Germs are spread most frequently by sneezing and coughing and resist putting your fingers in your mouth or eyes as germs transfer from hand to face. When we speak of the source, we are referring to the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and, your local state community health organizations. With regards to your travel, we always recommend Travel Insurance. Cancel For Any Reason is always your best bet and can give you peace of mind when the rest of the world is in panic! Check with your Travel Advisor as to the specifics. The rules and regulations for when and how to purchase travel insurance are constantly being updated and changed with regards to the Coronavirus. It is important not to hesitate, “Should I purchase now or hope for the best?” Delaying your decision to purchase could be the difference in even getting coverage at all! If you are wondering about travel arrangements that you have already purchased, check with your travel agent or specific airline and destination providers. We know of a few updates but all are subject to change as the situation changes. Here are some links. Click the image below to view their policies for COVID-19.
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November 2022
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